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Microsoft to make a $3.2 billion investment in Swedish cloud, AI


Microsoft make 3.2 billion investment Swedish cloud AI

Over two years, Microsoft will invest 33.7 billion Swedish crowns ($3.21 billion) in expanding its cloud and artificial intelligence infrastructure in Sweden.

Microsoft's investment in Sweden marks its largest to date in the country. This substantial financial commitment comes with a pledge to assist in the training of approximately 250,000 individuals, representing an impressive 2.4% of the population. This initiative will undoubtedly enhance the competitiveness of the Nordic nation, bolstering its position in the global market.

The announcement, made by Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith, went far beyond just technology. It is crucial to ensure that the people of Sweden and their economy thrive in the era of AI by providing them with access to the necessary resources and expertise.

The company will install 20,000 new graphics processing units (GPUs) in its data centers in Sweden to speed up computer calculations. Furthermore, these GPUs will significantly enhance research capabilities in various fields, including healthcare, environmental sustainability, and urban planning. This investment in cutting-edge technology reflects Microsoft's commitment to fostering innovation and driving positive change in Sweden.

Smith had a Monday meeting scheduled in Stockholm with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

Microsoft has declared its commitment to promoting the use of AI across the Nordic region, encompassing countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Norway.

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