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Spinnaker Support saw double digit growth across North America


Spinnaker Support growth across North America

Spinnaker signs raft of new customers in the US and Canada including Indigo, Arche-Daniels and ETS

Spinnaker Support (Spinnaker), renowned as a leading provider of third-party software support, announces robust double-digit growth throughout North America in 2023. With over 1,000 global clients placing their trust in Spinnaker, the surge in demand is driven by enterprises seeking alternatives to the maintenance support offered by industry giants like Oracle and SAP. Moreover, Spinnaker has expanded its clientele by onboarding new customers while observing existing ones increasingly entrusting their IT support and managed services needs to the company. Over the past year, Spinnaker has welcomed numerous clients across the United States and Canada, including notable names such as Indigo, Archer-Daniels, and ETS.

Spinnaker is primed for further growth within its managed services division, covering an array of platforms including SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Enterprise Open Source. By providing augmentation of staff, filling capability gaps, monitoring performance, and enhancing operability, Spinnaker aids organizations in sidestepping the complexities and expenses associated with hiring additional IT personnel. Stava underscored a growing trend among business leaders recognizing the availability of alternative software support options. These alternatives enable organizations to propel digital transformation initiatives while reducing costs without compromising service quality. Spinnaker remains steadfast in its mission to empower organizations to make software decisions aligned with their business objectives rather than being constrained by the roadmap of enterprise software providers.

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