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Nano Dimension filed for Log Analysis Patent patent

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Nano Dimension Log Analysis Patent

Nano Dimension has extended its existing AI patents with a Large Language Model (LLM)

Nano Dimension, based in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, has recently disclosed the submission of a US patent application titled 'Large Language Models for Efficient Anomaly Detection in Log Files of Industrial Machines' (Log Analysis Patent). This patent aims to facilitate real-time data analysis and scalable deployment of both the company's own machines and industrial solutions offered to external clients. The Log Analysis Patent seeks to tackle a fundamental challenge in automated anomaly detection: the increasing complexity and volume of machine logs, which have become arduous and costly to analyze. Typically, these logs are examined post-event, missing the opportunity for timely corrective measures. Nano Dimension has extended its existing AI patents with a Large Language Model (LLM) capable of independent operation, leveraging inherent sentiment expressed in machine logs.

This patent follows a related one filed and announced in September 2023, both of which are integral to Nano Dimension's product development. These products leverage DeepCube Group's deep learning-based AI and are valuable not only to the company but also to third-party customers and partners. Dr. Eli David, Chief Technology Officer of AI for Nano Dimension, emphasized the significance of this patent, stating that the filing of the Large Language Models for Efficient Anomaly Detection in Log Files of Industrial Machines patent application is another significant development for Nano Dimension and the customers. Scalability is crucial for the true value of an approach, and this new invention is at the heart of massively scalable modern manufacturing processes.

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