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Greece signs the Artemis Accords to conduct ethical lunar exploration


Greece signs the Artemis Accords to conduct ethical lunar exploration

Greece is the most recent country to sign up for the US-led coalition that promotes the tenets of space exploration.

Greece's foreign minister, Giorgos Gerapetritis, signed the Artemis Accords at the US State Department as part of the US-Greece Strategic Dialogue.

In an official NASA statement, Administrator Bill Nelson congratulated Greece on becoming the 35th nation to sign up for the Artemis Accords.

Nelson stated that the United States and Greece have long been partners and friends, and they were thrilled to strengthen their collaboration in space. He stated that they were working together to shape the future of space cooperation for the Artemis generation.

Most immediately, the Accords guided NASA's lunar Artemis program by laying out principles for responsible and peaceful exploration.

In the same speech, Gerapetritis said that the Artemis Accords serve as a model of international cooperation and teamwork, paving the way for sustainable and peaceful space exploration, as humanity sets out on a grand adventure to return to the moon and prepare for space travel beyond it.

The United States created the Artemis Accords in 2020. They were initially signed by the United States, along with seven other original signatories. The list of countries presently includes nations from six of the world's seven continents, with the exception of Antarctica, which lacks a government.

The China-led International Lunar Research Station Cooperation Organization (ILRSCO) appears to be a viable challenger to the Artemis Accords effort. So far, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, and Venezuela have joined the initiative.

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